Deep Listening and Finding the Way Forward
With Whole Body Consciousness

In this two day workshop you will learn the skills to access the body’s innate wisdom by guiding attention inward, in an open and non-judging way, to something felt but not yet understood. This allows movement in stuck situations, brings ease to the process of change, and provide space for new possibilities.  You will gain access to the rich inner wisdom that unfolds as you bring presence to your own life, and then learn how to facilitate this approach to relating with others.

The weekend will be grounded in Focusing which is a special way of paying attention to yourself that allows you to bypass intellectual understanding and go directly to a deep body knowing and sense the whole way you are feeling about a situation or issue in your life.

Who: Class will be co-taught by members of the team: Dawn Flynn ND, David Martin MD and Lori Martin MA.

When: April 27 & 28, 9:30am-5:30pm

Where: Seattle, TBA

Cost: $175 or $100 for repeat students. Accommodations can be made for those for whom the full fee is a hardship.

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