Level 1

Introduction to Focusing:
Deep Listening and Finding the Way Forward
With Whole Body Consciousness

Learn transformational Focusing skills, accessing your body’s innate wisdom by guiding your attention inward, in an open and non-judging way, to something felt but not yet understood. Focusing can help generate positive movement in stuck situations, bring ease to the process of change, provide space for new possibilities, deepen understanding of what is really happening in a situation, and increase well-being.

Click here for more information on Focusing.

Prerequisite for those who have not yet done Focusing: A session with Dawn, David or Lori ($50 discounted fee).

Who: Class with be cotaught by Dawn Flynn ND, David Martin MD and Lori Martin MA, with assistance from Lisa Capa PhD.

When: May 22, 2016 10:00am-6:00pm

Where: Seattle, WA

Cost: $125 or $100 for repeat students. Cost includes a Focusing manual. Accommodations can be made for those for whom the full fee is a hardship.

To sign up or for more information contact